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วันพุธที่ 22 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555
크로싱Crossing 北逃逃北十字路口(中文字幕)Part2
감독김태균배우차인표/ 신명철/ 정인기/ 주다영/ 서영화장르드라마등급12세이상관람가시간105 분국가한국South Korean film 'Crossing' tells tragic story of North Korean defectors Oh Yon Jong fled North Korea in 1998 to seek food for her family, promising her son as he lay asleep and unaware of her departure that she would soon return. She never saw him again. Instead, what began as a planned three-month trip led to her leaving her communist homeland forever to seek refuge in prosperous South Korea. Her story, one of the many painful tales of separation for thousands of North Korean refugees, is among the real-life accounts that served as the basis for the new film "Crossing" — an emotional dramatization of the plight of the refugees that opens Thursday in South Korea. Director Kim Tae-kyun said he hoped the film would help draw international attention to the dire human rights situation in the North. "North Korea is perhaps the most hidden country in the world and is in a situation where people are starving to death again, but there is no channel to show the facts" to the world, Kim said at a recent press screening for the movie. "I hope that people around the world will watch this movie and their interest will be used to change North Korea." 北朝鲜的一个普通工人家庭,丈夫勇素(音译)和妻子永花(音译),以及11岁的儿子, 艰难但是温馨的一起度日。 妻子由于长期营养不良,得了病,勇素决定赚钱为妻子治病。铤而走险,在朋友的帮助下偷渡到了某国,在一家锯木厂用超负荷工作来赚取报酬。 不料 ...
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